Soon, all this work will be done, I'll be off to England with my wonderful girlfriend, my excellent roommate, and my wonderful girlfriend's excellent roommate.
And what do I want from studying abroad? I want to know what it's like to be so far away from home for an extended period of time. Not that I won't miss my family or all my friend here in the US, but I just want to experience that sense of distance. I want to study something I haven't been studying here. History and literature are two subjects I really like, but I've just been really focused on all my psych classes, I haven't really done much else. It will be good to have a change of focus to reevaluate everything else I've been learning. I want to live in another country, just to say I have. I want to meet people from another culture. I think this trip will be a good experience to better help me realize how I define myself in relation to people I've never met before and how I define myself in terms of my culture, etc.
And today is a day (or yesterday was, almost 3:30 now) that we are supposed to focus on what we are thankful for. I think that's a good idea, but I wish I did it more often, because I do have so many beautiful things in my life that I should never forget. That I am healthy, that I can spend time with people I love, that my family and friends support me, that I have the abilities and the power to do so much, that I have a vibrant and fulfilling relationship with Tess, and that I have close ties with my brothers and my friends.
Well, time to move the dog off my pillow, brush off all the fur that she's shed and go to sleep.
Also, just because it's pretty funny...
you'll get a change in focus :)